Published (peer-reviewed) Articles
“Subordinate Demonstrative Science in the Sixth Book of Aristotle’s Physics”. The Classical Quarterly 22 (1972) 279-292.
All of the apparent discrepancies between the method used here and the one described in the Posterior Analytics are explained by regarding this book as a ’subordinate’ science.
“Lucretius’ Psychoanalytic insight: his notion of Unconscious Motivation”. Phoenix 37 (1983) 224-238.
A systematic study of the texts in which Lucretius seems to show psychoanalytic insight reveals that he did have a notion of unconscious motivation; and I also attempt to reconstruct its philosophical basis. This is a close study, useful in teaching because it proposes a specific, fairly radical idea which can stimulate thought and discussion.
“Poetry and Science in Early Greece”. Labyrinth (January 1985) 14-15.
Written for high school students, this paper states concisely what role I believe poetic expression played in relation to knowledge for Empedocles and his contemporaries.
“Lucretius, Cybele and Religion”. Phoenix 39 (1985) 250-262.
Comparison with other sources for the Cybelean allegory reveals Lucretius’ Epicurean point of view. One of the other sources discussed here is Ovid, and this article is complemented by the following one.
“The Fasti: Nationalism and Personal involvement in Ovid’s treatment of Cybele”. Classical Views 32 (1988) 13-22.
Here I explore the tension between Augustan propaganda and Ovid’s more progressive values through a detailed literary appreciation of the dramatic movement and implied ironies of Ovid’s story.
“The Didactic Unity and Emotional import of Book 6 of De Rerum Natura”. Phoenix 43 (1989) 16-34.
The entire structure of Lucretius’ sixth book is based on leading the reader to philosophical detachment through a universal perspective on the natural cycle of coming to be and passing away. My view of the poetic perspective was inspired by Minadeo’s wonderful little book, but in my analysis it is integrated with an interpretation of Lucretius’ Epicurean instruction. This article is used for teaching because it discusses major Lucretian issues in a commentary that progresses sequentially through Book 6.
“Translating Strato: The role of translations in the Study of Ancient Sexuality and the Understanding of Classical Erotica” Mouseion, Series III vol. 5 (2005) 47-57
Daryl Hine has attempted an uncensored translation of Strato with erotic content, allusions, and humour to which modern readers can relate. But comparison of his translation and others reveals unavoidable distortion of important evidence offered by Strato regarding sensitive issues in the study of ancient sexuality. To encourage experimentation with innovative translation techniques which may better serve the complex needs of readers and researchers, I present a model combining free adaptation with a rigorous translator’s commentary. This paper raises interesting questions regarding Greek homosexuality, and at the same time sensitizes the reader to the linguistic and cultural relativity of this subject.
“Latin American Idiomatic Expressions”, L’Actualité terminologique 33 (2000) 1, 13
Platonic and Roman Influence on Stoic and Epicurean Sexual Ethics, appears in Blackwell's Companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities.
Details here.
Details here.
This paper argues for the authenticity of the work by Lucian. It is published in the Spring 2011 issue of Helios. You can also read it here.
This paper examines two neglected texts of Lucian which illustrate his relevance for our understanding of ancient social values relating to sex, and the relevance of ancient sexual conventions for interpreting his own work. In Dialogues of the Dead 19 (numbered as in the Loeb edition), Lucian, following Cynic values, reveals a more tolerant attitude towards pathic sexuality than most sources, by eliciting unconventional admiration for a cinaedus who outwits his legacy hunters. And a study of Alexander the False Prophet 5 in view of conventional Greek expectations regarding pederasty casts new light on the interpretation of that controversial work. Read it here.
Published Book Reviews
Paul Moraux and Dieter Harlfinger, ed. Untersuchungen zur Eudemischen Ethik: Akten des 5. Symposium Artistotelicum
The Classical World (November 1971) 96-97
* Sue Blundell. The Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought
Phoenix (1987) 327-329
J.M. Rist. Epicurus, An Introduction
The Classical World (1973) 118-119
Craig A. Williams. Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity
Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter (Spring 2000) 31-33
To read this review, click here.
G.E.R. Lloyd. The Delusions of Invulnerability: Wisdom and Morality in Ancient Greece, China and Today
Bryn Mawr Classical Review –2006.06.22 This review written in collaboration with sinologist H. Lyman Miller
To read this review, click here
Arnold A. Lelis, William A. Percy, and Beert C. Verstraete. The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome
Italian Quarterly, winter-spring 2006 One of the authors wrote “you appear to have understood and appreciated our effort more than any of the other reviewers whom I have thus far seen”.
To read this review, click here.
Werner Krenkel. Naturalia non turpia. Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome, published in Mouseion.
To read this review, click here.
Geert Roskam, Live Unnoticed (Lathe biosas): On the Vicissitudes of an Epicurean Doctrine. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2008.02.12.
To read it, click here.
My review of Adam Bartley, A Lucian for Our Times, is published in Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews. To read it, click here.
My review of Wolfgang Kullmann, Naturgesetz in der Vorstellung der Antike, besonders der Stoa: eine Begriffsuntersuchung. Philosophie der Antike can be read here.
My review of Fabio Berdozzo, Goetter, Mythen, Philosophen: Lukian und die Paganen Goettervorstellungen seiner Zeit can be read here.
My review of Donald Lateiner, Barbara K. Gold, Judith Perkins (ed.), Roman Literature, Gender, and Reception: domina illustris. Essays in honor of Judith Peller Hallett can be read here.
Rosario Moreno Soldevila, Juan Martos (ed.), Amor y sexo en la literatura latina. Suplementos de Exemplaria Classica, 4. is reviewed here.

* Sue Blundell. The Origins of Civilization in Greek and Roman Thought
Phoenix (1987) 327-329

J.M. Rist. Epicurus, An Introduction
The Classical World (1973) 118-119
Craig A. Williams. Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity
Committee on Lesbian and Gay History Newsletter (Spring 2000) 31-33
To read this review, click here.

G.E.R. Lloyd. The Delusions of Invulnerability: Wisdom and Morality in Ancient Greece, China and Today
Bryn Mawr Classical Review –2006.06.22 This review written in collaboration with sinologist H. Lyman Miller
To read this review, click here

Arnold A. Lelis, William A. Percy, and Beert C. Verstraete. The Age of Marriage in Ancient Rome
Italian Quarterly, winter-spring 2006 One of the authors wrote “you appear to have understood and appreciated our effort more than any of the other reviewers whom I have thus far seen”.
To read this review, click here.
Werner Krenkel. Naturalia non turpia. Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece and Rome, published in Mouseion.
To read this review, click here.
Geert Roskam, Live Unnoticed (Lathe biosas): On the Vicissitudes of an Epicurean Doctrine. Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2008.02.12.
My review of Adam Bartley, A Lucian for Our Times, is published in Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews. To read it, click here.
My review of Wolfgang Kullmann, Naturgesetz in der Vorstellung der Antike, besonders der Stoa: eine Begriffsuntersuchung. Philosophie der Antike can be read here.
My review of Donald Lateiner, Barbara K. Gold, Judith Perkins (ed.), Roman Literature, Gender, and Reception: domina illustris. Essays in honor of Judith Peller Hallett can be read here.
Rosario Moreno Soldevila, Juan Martos (ed.), Amor y sexo en la literatura latina. Suplementos de Exemplaria Classica, 4. is reviewed here.
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